Cereals packs
Application : Cereals packs
Leaks to be detected : incorrect sealing (product inclusion, folds, seal bar defects)
Specifications : Sample test, non-destructive
Solution : ASC 7400S Leak tester
Operation : Operator puts pack in test chamber and closes lid.
The instrument locks the lid and the cycle starts.
Gradually, a vacuum is installed in the chamber, which causes the pack to inflate.
It makes contact with a sensor in the lid, which measures the pressure inside the pack.
This pressure gradually increases.
When the target pressure is reached, the vacuum is stabilised and after a short stabilisation time, the internal pressure decay (ΔP) is measured during a few seconds.
This ΔP is compared to a reject level : a ΔP exceeding the limit indicates insufficient level of airtightness. The red light comes on and the lid remains locked.
To unlock it, the operator must press an “Unlock process” button.
A ΔP below the reject limit means the airtightness is in spec : the green light comes on and the lid opens.
Cycle time : 10 - 20 s
Typical detection range on this application : leak flow 5 – 20 std l/h.

ASC 7400S – Non-destructive leak tester
for flexible packaging

Screen indicating correctly sealed pack :
ΔP = -114 Pa for a limit at -1000 Pa
Pharma vial
Application : Pharma vial
Leaks to be detected : Integrity fault (stopper + crimped cap)
Specifications : Sample test, deterministic.
Reference : ISO 8871-5 (dye test).
Solution : Integrity tester ASC 7400F
Operation :
Operator places the vial in the test chamber, brings down
the upper part of the chamber and presses « Start ».
The instrument locks the test chamber and the cycle starts.
The test pressure (positive or vacuum) is established in the chamber.
After a short stabilisation, the pressure decay / vacuum decay (ΔP) is measured.
This ΔP is compared to a reject level : a value above this limit indicates a non-conform integrity.
The red light comes on and the instrument stays locked.
To unlock it, the operator must press an “Unlock process” button.
A ΔP below the reject limit means the integrity level is correct. The instrument carries out a certification stage involving an internal calibrated leak, which validates the result instantly : the green light comes on and the chamber is unlocked.
Cycle time : approx. 10 - 20 s
Typical reject level : according to standard (ISO 8871-5, ASTM F2338-09, …)
or any “in-house” standard. (Transposition report on request.)

ASC 7400F – Vial/syringe integrity tester

Screen showing a correct integrity result :
ΔP = -16 Pa for a reject level at -350 Pa
Application : Ballistic panels for bullet-resistant vests
Defects to be detected : Water ingress possibility (incorrect weld, micro-hole).
Specifications : Quick test, suitable for use in production, adaptable to all current panel dimensions and sizes.
Traceable test results.
Solution : Body Armour Integrity Tester ASC BAIT
Operation : The operator places the panel in the test chamber and closes the lid.
The instrument locks the lid and the cycle starts.
Gradually, a vacuum is installed in the chamber, which causes the panel cover to inflate.
It makes contact with a sensor in the lid, which measures the pressure inside the panel.
This pressure gradually increases.
When the target pressure is reached, the vacuum is stabilised and after a short stabilisation time, the internal pressure decay (ΔP) is measured during a few seconds.
This ΔP is compared to a reject level, corresponding to the required level of tightness : a value higher than the reject level indicates an insufficient level of waterproofness.
The red light comes on and the lid remains locked.
To unlock it, the operator must press an “Unlock process” button.
A ΔP below the reject limit means the waterproof level is conform to specifications : the green light comes on and the lid opens.
Cycle time : approx. 20 - 30 s
Reject level : leaks between 0 -1 mm equivalent hole diameter

ASC BAIT - Leak tester for ballistic panels

Result screen of Pass result :
ΔP = -148 Pa for a reject level at -700 Pa
Application : Pouch filled with liquid for parenteral use
Leaks to be detected : Integrity fault (welds, holes).
Standard : ASTM F2095-07(2021) Standard Test Methods for Pressure Decay Leak Test for Flexible Packages With and Without Restraining Plates
Specifications and user requirement:
100 % Test on liquid-filled pouches. Pouches are stored at low temperature (2 to 6°C), which generates condensation on the surface when brought at ambient temperature.
Leaks to be detected : equivalent hole size 50 µm. Quantities to be tested : 100 pcs/day.
Solution : Integrity tester ASC 7400S.2 PP
The ASC 7400S.2 PP allows testing of liquid-filled pouches, even stored at low temperature. Its detection method being based on measurement of the pressure inside the pouch (ASC Instrument patent), it is unaffected by the condensation phenomenon, creating false positives with other methods.
Operation : Operator places the pouch in the drawer and closes it. This starts the cycle, which runs without further operator intervention.
A vacuum is progressively established in the chamber, which causes the pouch to inflate. It makes contact with a pressure sensor that measures the pressure inside the pouch. If this pressure is stable during the Test stage, the pouch is leak-free and the green OK light comes on.
In case of a leak, the pressure drops off, the delta P (variation) exceeds the tolerance and the red NOK light indicates the fail result.
The operator must press an “Unlock process” button to open the drawer and remove the product.
Cycle time : 1 to 2 minutes depending on product to be tested

ASC 7400S.2 PP- Leak tester for pouches

Result screen of Pass result :
ΔP = -48 Pa for a reject level at -120 Pa